Tuesday, January 31, 2017

ENGLISH 140 , Bado , Mario - Week- 5-2

In my list of the apps what I use often can be Instagram, what sap , Facebook messenger ,  also when I'm finishing to checking my phone I don't use my phone until I'm boring, but I prefer to put done o charging I don't how many times use my phone a day because use the phone sometimes is addictive actually if the scientist doing  a test for that maybe are going to be true.

Monday, January 30, 2017

English 140, Bado, Mario, Week 5-1

Now in this time be without internet in can be a big problem because now internet is part our necessities as communication and emergency situations and entertainment. Now I´ll try to find some router or something where I can get some WiFi , if I can not find I will move to this place and go to some city where I can see lights or gas station. why? because I can get communication and use my GPS in some case if i were lost in some weird place. Can we live in our time without internet? why yes ? why not? try to thinking how you can get communication in this time with someone without internet? what we suppose to be to do it?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado, Mario week 4-4

This art is really famous in the world because is about of the 12 disciples and when Jesus said some of them are going to betrayed him also Leonardo DA vincci got the idea to represent this words that Jesus said and become an art and show the people his new creation about religion and this art is really famous because they have mysterious about the little things in the picture and people said is something scare a little bit. They are 13 persons in the picture siting 3 on 3 just Jesus are alone in the middle of the dining table.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

ENGLISH 140 Bado, Mario Week 4-3

If I were a leader of my country I will change many things like the garbage problem, make more school in the less populated areas in the country and changes kind about the traffic things and develop the sports and try to help the retire people with their paid monthly. How all of this can fix the problem in the country because we will be in another kind of increase about development in our system as a country we can try to improve the recyclable garbage in trash can with in different color we can choose where put the normal garbage and the cartons and cans. The another way we can try to figure out the traffic thing is making more streets and more bicycle pass and less crowed streets. The school in less populated area its a problem now because they don;t have the access to go to the capital city or the main school because they living so far and they do not have the enough money to paid the transport to go there, but the government have all the necessary money to make more schools there and decrease the gender of violence because when they did not get education is easy to get money by the street so we have to be serious in that and help our citizen and population.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado , Mario, Week 4-2

As you can see in this picture is the satisfaction of won the world cup in Korea Japan  2002. The team on the picture is Brazil. If you are smart obviously you can observe they are really happy and exited to got this trophy. Everyone in the picture can believe that happen is true maybe they felt is was a dream in where they were in their time also just see they magnificent colors around them, the stadium it was really crowed and many fans happy for Brazil.  It was the 5 world cup that Brazil go it in this kind of tournaments also it is  the most important tournament in the world. as you can see the happiness of all them in despite of the congratulations of said we are the champions it is something without words you can describe in this picture. the environment look like with peace and harmony also they put really high the name of their country in this year.

Monday, January 23, 2017

ENGLIS 140, Bado, Mario week 4-1

I use slang sometimes because depended in the occasions where I am if don´t have to use. I think everyone use slang often on the street and your group of friends always. In the school you can learn but in the good way because the people use more slang to mean bad things also doing jokes about things. I remember when I began to understood slang it was funny to me because the words or phrase was really crazy and mean another thing as result. The purpose to use slang is short words and sometimes they can rhymes or using the same tone. I like use the one ¨ blow up¨ the mean to be in a state of motion.

Friday, January 20, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado, Mario Week 3-4

If the politics things change in US about the international students are going to affect me really hard because I'm here also I want to continuous study and get my degree or something can help me to get a good job in the future here or where I'm from. I hope they don't try to do or changes the rules or law for the good future to all international students in this country also we come here to success and develop our self and do well personally. The politics things now in US can be crazy and we don't know what happen but we hope everything can be different and now they can figure out all the way up. In my personal opinion we have to take the opportunity that we have now and don't wait what will happen in the future.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado, Mario week 3-3

I have good things what I'm not use like my color pencils or my pajamas something what I don't need now maybe in the future I'll be use but not now.  Something what I need now is to be really healthy and in shape again because I started again to play soccer and get opportunities of study in different colleges. I think other stuff what I need is peace and be relax and thank god for everything that he gave as my family are good and good people around me it's good satisfaction to me to be blessed. If I'm talking about material things now just I need money I think with money you can do many things in good way also in bad way, but depend in the person whom is the owner.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado, Mario ---- Week 3--2

In my opinion the Prime Minister  Is the most senior minister of cabinet in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system. The power of the Prime Minister is enormous and his authority is onerous. The prime minister is often, but not always, a member of the Legislature or the Lower House thereof, and is expected to have the ministers to secure the passage of bills through the legislature. The problem of all the politics things they always take a piece of money in that before they become a president or part of the government they promise the sky and said they are going to change the world, but is not the true with the town and they expect more help and different changes in the society, but never this happen is real maybe sometimes they do it but a little bit. I'm talking in general about the government but the duties of the Prime Minister can be chairing the cabinet's and its most important commits, relationships with heads of governments, ‘Certain scholastic and ecclesiastical appointments,  Hiring and firing ministers.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

ENG 140 Bado, Mario week 3

in the 2016 they made a some commercials for 30 seconds and the price of that become in 5 millions,  I think is really crazy how people spent a lot of money in that because we can use the money in another things as help poor people and increase the education and healthcare of the lost animals. It's the reason why sometimes humans are stupid and we lose the incentive of the life and we forget our purpose here. How many countries have a really big problems with food, water,  shelter. Do you know how many  foundations  need sponsors to help them to develop their building or necessities that they need to be better and have good and comfortable place to help people with really bad sickness as cancer, leukemia, and another kinds of problems and we spent 5 millions dollars in just one ad of some sport. We have to be more aware in what happen around where we are because he can do something to change the world, but we just thinking in business and that end. What is more important to get money or help someone how you are feel better? If your are a selfish person you really doesn't matter in what I told you know, but it's okay. it is my point of view of that.

Friday, January 13, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado, Mario - week 2

I have superstition in that, but I'm  not really believe 100% in that  because I believe in god. In my country when you weren't baptized the people said the witch are going to your house at night and bother you while you will be baptize because it's a myth also if you don't want the witch bother you, when you are sleeping you have to use your clothes upside down and the broom upside down to behind the door of your house. It happen to me as soon my parent's baptized me after that the problem it was fixed. It's not a bad or good luck just the witch do it for bother people and young guys can be scare of her or him. I never thought it can influence in good or bad luck, but just have believe in god after that everything become fine. I have many things to talk about superstition or bad things in the life, but the time is done to continuous writing maybe in the next time I will do it.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado, Mario- Week 2

The technology in 2017 until 2020 are going to change to much in many aspects in this area of electronics or things. The companies as Apple, Samsung, Tesla, LG and more of this kind of brand they are going to evolve TV, Cell Phones, Games, Computers and Cars. They always like to created new types of video games or consoles as PlayStation, Xbox, and another kind of that, but in the future they are going to invent new form of view the game like 3D or maybe 4D and realistic life of that. The good thing is we are going to have more facilities to get it the new products in the industry. I think the value of that new things are going to be expensive and cheaper so it can be accessible for everyone to get it doesn't matter if you are poor or rich. Spent the years always they tried to improve and develop their devices or electronics things. I would like to see in the future how our industry about the technology change in the good way and increase the business and the economic area for the population. I think is going to be a good competition for all the companies to tried to do the best electronics or cars, whatever we are the judges of that because depend in our opinions which one are going to be the best or the first one the people use in actuality and the future. In my personal opinion we will see a good fight about who want to be the best brand in the future.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado, Mario- Week 2

The people in the world have different inequality because in the world we have poor and rich  people the difference it's the poor people they always complain or argue in what they didn't have also they couldn't say anything and the rich people always fixed their problems in the good way. How I can rid some problems, I think we have to try to figure out our problems in the good way. How try new things in our life and stop argue or make excuses about. I know sometimes everyone rise in the different situations but if you all your life you  will be a poor mental person always. We have to try to be kind and thinking in develop our self and show up everyone doesn't matter where we came or from.

Week 2, Bado, Mario, Week 2

In my personal opinion the easy thing to me to understood is songs and  movies with subtitles in English and I can read too. In many ways I can understand, but sometimes its hard because the ancient words have different meanings and sometimes I didn't know what does mean this kinds of words . The another things is really hard to understand is when the people begin to speak really fast and with heavy accent also with weird words. We can practice and improve our English so that we have to start to watch movies and talk with more american people in the good way. I thought understand English have a process and take time, but if you work hard you will do it in less time.

Friday, January 6, 2017

ENGL140,- Bado, Mario- Week 1

The last time when I were extremely sick was in January first, because I don't know what I ate or drink cause me bad symptoms in my stomach. The bad thing that I had was vomit and diarrhea. It's weird when I'm sick for food or drinks, but in this case I didn't know what thing cause that in my immune system. The medicine what I used was drunk soup "Caldo of Pollo"  that help me felt better and slept help it was my remedies to felt better. It's traditional in my country when you feel with this kind of sickness you have to take the soup. I told my mom what I did and she told me congratulations because it's only that you can do it or go to the Doctor, but for me that one is the last option because go there it's really expensive in U.S and I prefer used this as in my culture the people do it.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

ENGLISH 140 Bado Mario t, First Week 01 1/2

My academics goals in this quarter is graduated in the level six, My intend is try to understand more and different kinds of accent and improve my listening and my accent, Personally I want deserve my diploma just I don't want just to said I got my diploma, but I can't speak good English. I have to improve myself and try to do new things about my second language. Learn another language sometimes is hard and sometimes is easy and hard depended in the people how they can figure out the good path to do it. I have to work hard and be focus in that is my goal in this quarter without problems. I will see as I can do it that and show up the people how I can finished my studies as student of International Academic School Of learn Second Language. In my personal opinion I have done everything in this quarter because If I want to move to another school I have to do it everything good.