Thursday, January 12, 2017

ENGLISH 140, Bado, Mario- Week 2

The technology in 2017 until 2020 are going to change to much in many aspects in this area of electronics or things. The companies as Apple, Samsung, Tesla, LG and more of this kind of brand they are going to evolve TV, Cell Phones, Games, Computers and Cars. They always like to created new types of video games or consoles as PlayStation, Xbox, and another kind of that, but in the future they are going to invent new form of view the game like 3D or maybe 4D and realistic life of that. The good thing is we are going to have more facilities to get it the new products in the industry. I think the value of that new things are going to be expensive and cheaper so it can be accessible for everyone to get it doesn't matter if you are poor or rich. Spent the years always they tried to improve and develop their devices or electronics things. I would like to see in the future how our industry about the technology change in the good way and increase the business and the economic area for the population. I think is going to be a good competition for all the companies to tried to do the best electronics or cars, whatever we are the judges of that because depend in our opinions which one are going to be the best or the first one the people use in actuality and the future. In my personal opinion we will see a good fight about who want to be the best brand in the future.

1 comment:

  1. What would a 4D game look like? What is the fourth dimension?
