Tuesday, January 17, 2017

ENG 140 Bado, Mario week 3

in the 2016 they made a some commercials for 30 seconds and the price of that become in 5 millions,  I think is really crazy how people spent a lot of money in that because we can use the money in another things as help poor people and increase the education and healthcare of the lost animals. It's the reason why sometimes humans are stupid and we lose the incentive of the life and we forget our purpose here. How many countries have a really big problems with food, water,  shelter. Do you know how many  foundations  need sponsors to help them to develop their building or necessities that they need to be better and have good and comfortable place to help people with really bad sickness as cancer, leukemia, and another kinds of problems and we spent 5 millions dollars in just one ad of some sport. We have to be more aware in what happen around where we are because he can do something to change the world, but we just thinking in business and that end. What is more important to get money or help someone how you are feel better? If your are a selfish person you really doesn't matter in what I told you know, but it's okay. it is my point of view of that.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. 5 million dollars is enough to solve many homeless problems in some countries. You could help give people food and shelter. It doesn't really make sense why it would cost so much to make and show a commercial.
